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Creative Arts Labs

Creative Arts Labs

ETHER Creative Labs were led by our Artists in Residence. Musicians Pavel Fischer and Jakub Jedlinský facilitated Seminar 1 "The Art of Seeing and Hearing the Other". Seminar 2 "The Ethical Drama of Encountering the Other" featured choreographer Rosie Kay.

The Art of Seeing and Hearing the Other: Pavel Fischer and Jakub Jedlinský

Jak se rodí hudební skladba…

Houslista Pavel Fischer a akordeonista Jakub Jedlinský se zabývají interpretací hudby nejrůznějších žánrů (cross-over), od klasické hudby přes hudbu lidovou po tango či jazz. Jakub a Pavel posluchačům předvedou, jak to vypadá, když se sejdou dva muzikanti, kteří se dobře znají, vzájemně se respektují a společně se pokusí vstoupit do čarovného světa hudební imaginace. Začínají improvizovat, experimentovat, tvořit. Na začátku není nic než hudební myšlenka-krátký rytmický motiv či melodie- se kterou si oba muzikanti jen tak pohrávají, proměňují ji, podávají ji jeden druhému. Pod rukama se jim postupně rodí hudební tvar – skladba, nový život.

How a piece of music is born…

The violinist Pavel Fischer and the accordionist Jakub Jedlinský are interpreters of music of diverse genres (cross-over), ranging from classical music through to folk, tango or jazz. In ETHER Seminar 1, Jakub and Pavel demonstrate what happens when two musicians, who know and respect each other, attempt to enter together into the magical world of musical imagination. They begin to improvise, experiment, create. At the beginning there’s nothing more than a musical idea – a short rhythmical motive or tune – which the two musicians toy with, tweak, bounce off each other. At their fingertips a musical form is being born – a composition, a new life.

To read more about Pavel Fischer, please click here

To read more about Jakub Jedlinský, please click here

The Ethical Drama of Encountering the Other: Rosie Kay

Our Seminar 2 Creative Lab was originally due to be facilitated by our Artist in Residence Rosie Kay. Unfortunately, we had to change our format for this Creative Lab because Rosie was unwell and unable to join the seminar. In place of her workshop, the session featured Rosie Kay's multi-award winning performance Five Soldiers. In this video, Louise Dearden introduces Rosie Kay and Five Soldiers.


To read more about Rosie Kay, please click here.

You can watch Five Soldiers here.