To register, please click here. The aim of this seminar is twofold: to share insights from the two seminars with the broadest range of stakeholders in the public, private and NGO sectors and to collaborate on generating new questions relevant to these groups. The seminar will include representatives of arts organisations, schools, social care providers,...
Seminar Day One: September 14th, 2021 from 9.30am to 3.30pm (BST) Seminar Day Two: September 15th, 2021 from 11am to 2.45pm (BST) The idea that sense and sense making are deeply intertwined has been at the forefront of significant shifts in conceptualising encounters in linguistics, arts and philosophy. When people with apparent differences interact with...
PAST EVENT To register, please click here! How we see and hear the other is often shaped through our attachment to ideas, images and ideologies about ourselves, others and the world. Language ideologies, for instance, delineate what counts as language and as legitimate ways of language use. They set boundaries inside which another is heard,...
PAST EVENT Language and Culture at Leeds studies connections between how we communicate and the cultures and worlds we create. Central to our research is an interest in what happens when these worlds collide. We ask, ‘How do people of different linguistic and cultural backgrounds, worldviews, past memories, present practices and future visions meet and...