Seminar 1: The Art of Seeing and Hearing the Other
- Date
- Tuesday 20 - Wednesday 21 April, 2021, 9am
- Location
- Category
- Seminar
To register, please click here!
How we see and hear the other is often shaped through our attachment to ideas, images and ideologies about ourselves, others and the world. Language ideologies, for instance, delineate what counts as language and as legitimate ways of language use. They set boundaries inside which another is heard, encountered and judged (Inoue, 2003; Piller, 2016). This kind of meeting, however, precludes genuine contact because the listening/looking subject’s ideological preoccupations always put another in the position of an object (‘it’) to be comprehended, made sense of or assimilated. Anthropological philosophy, on the other hand, has entertained the possibility that an authentic encounter with difference can be achieved with a relational shift from ‘I-it’ to ‘I-Thou’ (Buber, 2013). The latter requires the subject’s pre-reflective way of being-in-the world which regards oneself and the other as whole human beings who cannot be reduced to cultural categories (Levinas, 1972). The seminar will examine how the two stances are negotiated in real-life encounters and identify theoretical principles for enabling authentic meetings across divides.
Provocations Dagmar Dyck; Sophie Herxheimer; Sarah-Jane Mason; Adam Jaffer; Thandanani Gumede; Helen Finch; Thea Pitman; Parinita Shetty; Cornelia F. Bock; Lara-Stephanie Krause; Stephanie Jo Kent; Awad Ibrahim; Joke Dewilde; Ingrid M Rodrick Beiler
Keynote. Rosine Kelz (philosopher, IASS, Potsdam)
Creative Lab led by Artists in Residence: Pavel Fischer and Jakub Jedlinsky (violinist, Prague)
Conversation led by Ana Deumert (sociolinguist, University of Cape Town)
Full Programme
Day 1: Tuesday 20th April 2021
9.30 - 9.45 Welcome (Maggie Kubanyiova & Angela Creese)
9.45 - 10.45 Provocations Panel 1: Dagmar Dyck, Thandanani Gumede, Adam Jaffer, Thea Pitman, Cornelia Bock, Parinita Shetty (Chair: Louise Dearden)
10.45 - 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.00 Provocations Panel 2: Stephanie Jo Kent, Sophie Herxheimer, Awad Ibrahim, Helen Finch, Lara-Stephanie Krause, Sarah-Jane Mason, Joke Dewilde & Ingrid Rodrick Beiler (Chair: Ana Korzun)
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch Break
13.00 - 14.30 Keynote: Rosine Kelz, IASS, Potsdam (Chair: Angela Creese)
Day 2: Wednesday 21st April 2021
13.00 - 14.45 Creative Lab led by Artists in Residence: Pavel Fischer & Jakub Jedlinsky, Prague (Chair: Maggie Kubanyiova)
14.45 - 15.15 Break
15.15 - 16.45 Conversation: Ana Deumert, University of Cape Town (Chair: Parinita Shetty)
Please click here to register for this exciting first seminar from ETHER!